Wednesday, 7/28/10

3 Rounds:
10 OH Squats PVC
Run 200m

Dynamic Warm-up


Squat: 75% x 5, 80% x 5, 85% x 5+
Snatch Balance: 3 sets of 1 rep at 90% (or just work technique at a moderate weight)

As Many Rounds As Possible in 10 mins:
10 Overhead Walking Lunges 95# (stomach tight!)
20 Sit-Ups
*If your shoulders are destroyed after the past workouts, just do regular walking lunges.

Endurance: Tabata x 8
Run or Row: 20s on, 10s off, 8 rounds

Pic: Dirty Steve hurting mid WOD...

1 comment:

Knock said...

255# x 8 Back Squat
Built up to 175# on the snatch balance
7 Rounds + 13 Sit-ups as RX'd on the metcon

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