Grip Day

3 Rounds:
10 Push-ups
10 Kipping Pull-up Swings Only
10 Box Jumps 33"


Bench 3x3 or 3x5

Weighted Rope Climbs 3 sets of 1 climb
Do weighted towel pull-ups if you don't have a rope


For Time:
400m Farmers Walk/Run holding a 25# bumper plate in each hand*
Every time you set the plates down do:
10 Burpee Tuck Jumps (burpee, then on the jump bring knees to your chest)
*If you don't have bumper plates, use 35# metal plates

Endurance: Intervals
Run or Row: 10s on, 5s off, for 20 rounds

Pics: Ladies of GE Presses/Push Presses

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