Friday, 2/3/12

FTF Competition in Fresno: Saturday, Feb. 4th, 9-5ish. Be There!

Run 400m
Row 400m
Liz doing some thrusters

Dynamic Warm-Up/Burg WU

Beginner Strength:
Power Clean: 5 x 2 (same weight all sets)

Int/Advanced Strength:
DE Squat: 10 x 2, 55% + bands
Band Leg Curls: 4 x 15-20

In 7 mins:
Run 400m
Max Poundage Lifted GTOH 115/75# or more
*Pick a weight to do max ground-to-overheads with, you're shooting for total pounds lifted. So if you choose 150# and get 20 reps, that gives you a score of 3000# lifted. So you start with a 400m run, then do max GTOH in the remaining time with your chosen weight.

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