Friday, 4/22/11

2000square foot gym, and they're crammed into 200square feet...
3 Rounds:
Sled Drag 20m
5 Pull-ups
10 OH Squats

Dynamic Warm-Up/Burg WU

DE Regular Stance Box Squats: 10 x 2, 55% + bands
Power Clean: Heavy Singles or hit a max!

For Time:
21, 15, 9 reps:
Lunges 95/55#
CTB Pull-ups
--Rest 30s--
9, 15, 21 reps:
Deadlift 185/105
Clapping Push-ups
*Compare to 11/5/10

Tabata: Run or Row 20s on, 10s off, 8 rounds all out!

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