Wednesday, 12/22/10

Wedgie: the condition of having one's underpants
uncomfortably stuck between the buttocks...

Shirts should be in today! Bring $$$$

Also, should be getting the material to build the "cage" today... let me know if you can help

Row 400m
Run 400m
Dynamic Warm-Up/Berg WU

Pull-ups: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

2 Rounds for Max Reps:
You have 2 mins, 30s to complete:
Row 400m
Max rep DL 225#
You have 2 mins, 30s to complete:
Run 400m
Max rep L-Pull-ups
*Row + DL, then Run + Pull-up = 1 round, repeat it a second time!

Endurance: Tabata
Run or Row: 20s on, 10s off, 8 rounds (everybody has 4 mins to do this!)

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