Wednesday, 10/20/10

3 Rounds:
2 Ring Handstand Push-Ups
Hollywood doing some powerful cleaning
4 CTB Pull-Ups
6 Deep Ring Dips

Dynamic Warm-Up


DE Press: 50% + Pink Bands, 8 x 3, 45s rest
Close Grip Bench: 3 x 10, 60s rest
Rack Press: from press sticking point, 3 x 3, 60s rest*
*Set the the bar on the rack at the height of your sticking point (where you get stuck when going for a 1RM- normally about chin height). Press it up to lockout, repeat 2 more times from the rack.

5 RFT of:
7 Muscle-Ups
21 Burpees - jumping 1' above max standing reach (1' vertical jump)

Row: Row your body weight in watts for 1 minute, at the end of the minute pull 8 hard strokes for max wattage. Rest 2 mins, 10 rounds.

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