Row 500m
Dynamic Warm-up


DL 3x3 or 3x5

Rest 5-10 mins


5 RFT of:
50 Double Unders
35 Knees to Elbows
185# Overhead Walk 20m*

*Get the weight overhead any way you want and walk 10m out, 10m back. Snatch grip or press grip
**Reduce the weight as needed

Tabata Intervals: Sprint 20s, rest 10s, 8 rounds

Pic1: Karen doing a modified handstand push-up

Pic2: JD cupping my ball

*Station guys: If you don't have a jump rope, do 50 tuck jumps (jumping and bringing knees to your chest), grab something heavy for the overhead walk (2 Sparklets water jugs or a ladder) and double the distance if it's less than 185#.

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